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Aikido Harmnonie is a non profit organization, called "association loi 1901" in France.

It's primarily purpose was to invite Saotome Sensei during summer camps.

In 2009, Ikeda Sensei follows him and continues the original mission.


February 1991, Marcel Dromer, Irène Lecoq, Jean-François Douche and Paul Lagarrigue create an organization, Aikido Harmonie.

If its primarily purpose is the promotion of aikido, it's only objective was to continue to invite Mitsugi SAOTOME Shihan for summer camps, like it was since 1986.

The mission given from Saotome Sensei to the organization Aikido Harmonie is to gather aikido practitioners all over europe, who wish to follow his teaching, no matter their federation, group or country : Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Spain, Belgium, Nederland, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Finland, Ukraine...

Saotome Sensei always made a point towards Aikido Harmonie, to come exclusively at Le Vigan for his seminars outside the american continent.

This collaboration between Saotome Sensei and the organization lasted eighteen years.


In 2009, after some health problems, Saotome Sensei wished that Hiroshi IKEDA Shihan, his most senior student, would replace him to conduct the seminar.


In 2010, Marcel Dormer, President of the organization since the beginning, has past away. Irène Lecoq, previously Secretary, will take over the presidency until 2014. Then Gilles Rettel, Stéphane Le Derf, and finaly Philippe Martin will hold the position.


Today, Ikeda Sensei continues the primarily mission with the same involvement and success. 

Some pictures of our history
The organization nowadays

Since August 2022, the organizing office elected for four years is made up of:

  • Luc Sandjivy, President

  • Jean-Luc Gasser, Treasurer
  • Anne Grimault, Assistant Treasurer

  • Remi Besrest, Secretary

  • Juliette Rouchier, Assistant Secretary

  • Robin Bonzon, local correspondent

  • Laurent Charpy, local correspondent



The head office :

1 place Quatrefages de la Roquete

30120 Le Vigan

Address :

Aikido Harmony Association

61 impasse des biches


Applying for Aikido Harmonie membership

Membership for 2023 is now closed.

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